I enjoyed a very relaxing, therapeutic and enjoyable visit to the Halcyon Hotsprings over the week-end. It did wonders for my knee! The range of motion has increased radically and the muscle strength is slowly coming back too.
I have been lunging Toby with side rides since I am not able to actively ride him yet. It is disappointing not to be riding but still very heart warming to be working with him. He was so calm and docile today that I tried going for a brief ride. Unfortunately, sitting in the saddle with my foot in the stirrup create tension in my knee so I got off right away. People tell me that my recovery has been going very quickly. So I am grateful for the 10 second ride I had. Maybe tomorrow it will be 20 seconds...
Katherine pettitI have been a Professional Animal Communicator since January 2016. I have been an animal lover and admirer for a very, very long time. Categories |