I had a beautiful energy healing with Kim Conard last week (www.essentialbalancehealing.ca/) . Here is the story that came from the session, which shows the power of distance healing and energy work. She really tuned into my energy patterns, with made me feel refreshed, optimistic and rejuvenated.
"As soon as I close my eyes to tune into Katherine I am taken to a vision of her standing in a clearing in a forest, it is twilight and wind is swirling around her. She appears lost, frustrated and confused. She sits on the ground and begins to gently weep into her hands. I go to walk towards her and one of my spirit guides appears and stops me. She places her hand to her lips to motion to me to be quiet and watch. We continue to watch in silence, she continues to gently weep. Then a white horse with blue eyes begins to emerge from the forest, he approaches Katherine gently and calmly. At first he simply stands beside her and waits for her to be done crying, and once this release has completed she lifts her head to see him. He bows his head to hers and they connect with one another’s third eye. They sit together like this for some time, her hands placed on his face and both their eyes closed. I can feel her heart chakra opening and the love that is pouring in from him. He is offering her heart a healing. The wind begins to settle, and the stars begin to sparkle above… it feels like the storm has passed. It also feels like this is her sanctuary, being alone in the forest. The frustration, confusion, anger subsides and a beautiful peace returns to her, the essence of love that she moves from and is guided be returns. My guide places her hand on my shoulder and nods, letting me know that now I may approach both of you. Katherine jumps on the horses back and takes my hand to join her, we begin to ride through the forest towards the peak of a gently slopped mountain. It is not a Rocky Mountain as much as a hilly mountain, I hear the words Mt.Loki and know that is who we are upon. Once we are at the top we stand together breathing in the crisp night air, we feel strong, centred. I feel the same essence in you that I sense within me. That we are here because we can handle adversity, it does not deter us from our paths, instead it encourages us to become more loving, to have more capacity to assist, to offer us more inspiration. These are the times we came to be in, and we can/will already have endured and grown from our life experiences. The sun begins to rise and as grandfather sun begins to touch upon the feet of Katherine she lies on the earth below."
Katherine pettitI have been a Professional Animal Communicator since January 2016. I have been an animal lover and admirer for a very, very long time. Categories |